We Got Trashed!!!

Wow! What a great shoot! This was my first "Trash the Dress" Session, and it was amazing! These four girls really know how to get trashed. We went to Grand Isle, Louisiana with a few stops along the way and went wild.

If anyone is interested, just give me a holler.

What a couple!

Yes I know I'm bombbarding some of you with updates tonight, but don't argue--better to have more than less.

Check out all posts that are recent because they contain links with more images.

Enjoy these two characters. They've been together for almost 4 years, and they are 3 years younger than me!! Humph!! :)

Click on the link to view more pictures,

Rah Rah!

So today has been a totally busy day!

Amber and I went down to Pointe-Aux-Chenes and got some great cheerleading pictures for her Ad Book. I was pretty suprised the bayou could get that great of photos.
To view more pictures, follow this link

Finally Catching Up!

Hey guys! I'm finally catching up on things around here. School finishes with one week of finals, so be ready for plenty pictures! :)

I took these a while back of Amber, my sister, in New Orleans. If I'm right, I may have posted a few, but here's the rest on the following link.

